Humpteen dumpteen revivals. Before all the King's Hoarsers with all the Queen's Mum

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  • Humpteen dumpteen: Humpty Dumpty (and "all the King's Hoarsers with all the Queen's Mum").
  • umpteen: relatively large but unspecified in number, e.g. umpteen times; umpteen pounds.
  • revival: a theatrical revival of an old play; again the idea that the same drama is enacted over and over in dream, in history
  • revival: from death, sleep, unconcsiousness. a Resurrection, a tising up
  • all the king;s horses and all the king's men: line from the nursery rhyme "Humpty Dumpty"
  • Queens Men: an Elizabethan playing company that operated between 1583 and 1595. Its patron was Queen Elizabeth I.
  • queen mum: the mother of the British monarch
  • hoarse
  • mum