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  • T totum, teetotum: a four-sided disc spun in a game of chance, marked on the four sides by the letters A (Latin: aufer, "take") indicating that the player takes one from the pool, D (Latin: depone, "put down") when a fine has to be paid, N (Latin: nihil, "nothing"), when the player does nothing, and T (Latin: totum, "all"), when the whole pool is to be taken → this toy is mentioned in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass, when the Sheep asks "Are you a child or a Teetotum?"
  • teetotalism: the complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages
  • totalitarian: a member of a party that advocates totalitarianism, i.e. a political system in which the state, usually under the power of a single political person, faction, or class, recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible