User talk:Tip

From FinnegansWiki
Revision as of 12:17, 14 December 2005 by Tip (talk | contribs) (→‎Re: JoeG)
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Greetings fellow WakianWikir!

I'm starting this page in order to set up a form of communication within this community (a communitication?) Since there haven't been any 'rules or regulations' set yet, I'm just doing this the same way i started reading the book to begin with!

So if you would like to talk with me, please post a message here.

Feel free to give me any advice, ask me questions or correct any post I have made on this site. I would appreciate a civil forum free of flame and focused on the subject at hand.

Thanks for the Tip!

8/18/05 - A-Ha! I had been wondering how to make hyphenated hyper-links. Well, today, as i was trying to figure out how to make "cata-" and "pelting" (pg.4) link to the same place, I noticed that someone (Isaphd) had made it work for "fishygods" just above there! Turns out, you have to put the whole word you want to make the page for and then the hyperlink'd text separated by the"|"sign! So i had to type: [catapelting|cata-] for the first line, and then [catapelting|pelting] on the next line.

Thanks Isaphd!

I also found the How to edit a page in Wikipedia very helpful even after i discovered this. It's called a Piped Link

Katrina's Wake

10/14/05 sorry i've been away for so long. my city got washed away like the Main Page... what happened there? well, i'm back and i'm still looking for anyone out there in Finnegans Web with answers. - tip


11/22/05 I'll be lying down while granny spreads the board this weekend. Hopefully, I can get to the library over the holiday in order to do some extra research on all-things Wakian. I notice that User: "JoeG" has been doing a lot of editing this week. Also, User: "HumanCongerEel" posted a lot of changes last week. Good work! Maybe we can spread the word somehow and get a few more posters in here. Drop me a line if you have any ideas... Tip


Hi, I am quite new to this so forgive me if i'm not supposed to post messages here. I was wondering if you could help fix page 100. I visited it earlier and it was blank so i copied in the correct text. But it seems to have lost the line-breaks and i can't figure out how to format it correctly. Do you know how? Thanks. JoeG

Re: JoeG

12/14/05 - Hey JoeG, I think i figured it out! At first i tried indenting the paragraphs within the text you added; using two spaces before each first word. When i did that, a text-box was created around the first lines of each paragraph. Then i realized from previous wiki-editing experience that the text on each page contains a space before each line! So I went back and added an extra space before each line of Page 100 and when i saved it, the page was contained in the familiar text-box. See? We've now both learned something!

I went back again and noticed that Page 101 was missing too> so think i've got that fixed now.