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    Jeminy, what is the view which now takes up a second posi- 
tion of discordance, tell it please? Mark! You notice it in that
rereway because the male entail partially eclipses the femecovert.
It is so called for its discord the meseedo. Do you ever heard the
story about Helius Croesus, that white and gold elephant in our
zoopark? You astonish me by it. Is it not that we are command-
ing from fullback, woman permitting, a profusely fine birdseye
view from beauhind this park? Finn his park has been much the
admiration of all the stranger ones, grekish and romanos, who
arrive to here. The straight road down the centre (see relief map)
bisexes the park which is said to be the largest of his kind in the
world. On the right prominence confronts you the handsome
vinesregent's lodge while, turning to the other supreme piece of
cheeks, exactly opposite, you are confounded by the equally hand-
some chief sacristary's residence. Around is a little amiably tufted
and man is cheered when he bewonders through the boskage
how the nature in all frisko is enlivened by gentlemen's seats.
Here are heavysuppers  ;  ; ; 'tis for daddies housings for hun-
dredaires of our super thin thousand. By gum, but you have
resin !  Of these tallworts are yielded out juices for jointoils and
pappasses for paynims. Listeneth! 'Tis a tree story. How olave,
that firile, was aplantad in her liveside. How tannoboom held
tonobloom. How rood in norlandes. The black and blue marks
athwart the weald, which now barely is so stripped, indicate the
presence of sylvious beltings. Therewithal shady rides lend
themselves out to rustic cavalries. In yonder valley, too,
stays mountain sprite. Any pretty dears are to be caught inside
but it is a bad pities of the plain. A scarlet pimparnell now
mules the mound where anciently first murders were wanted
to take root. By feud fionghalian. Talkingtree and sinningstone
stay on either hand. Hystorical leavesdroppings may also be gar-
nered up with sir Shamus Swiftpatrick, Archfieldchaplain of Saint
Lucan's. How familiar it is to see all these interesting advenements
with one snaked's eyes ! Is all? Yet not. Hear one's. At the bodom
fundus of this royal park, which, with tvigate shyasian gardeenen,
is open to the public till night at late, so well the sissastrides so will